Film Noir

Image result for the history of film noir

⇒The origins of film Noir:
           The noir films occurred in America during the war, and continued to be made during the forties and fifties, but it did not come out of nothing. The noirs were inspired both by literature and previous film history along with the sociohistory of the period it grew out of. In America in the thirties there was a literary tradition called hard-boiled novels. These were crime novels and so called pulp fiction, and very popular.

Image result for film noir

The history of film Noir:
             The term film noir, French for "black film" (literal) or "dark film" (closer meaning),[1] was first applied to Hollywood films by French critic Nino Frank in 1946, but was unrecognized by most American film industry professionals of that era.[2] Cinema historians and critics defined the category retrospectively. Before the notion was widely adopted in the 1970s, many of the classic film noirs[a] were referred to as "melodramas". Whether film noir qualifies as a distinct genre is a matter of ongoing debate among scholars.

⇒Conventions +Codes:

Image result for the poster of film noir

This poster contain 

*Mis-en-scence:the background of right part has the shadow of two people ,left one is black.Two people looks scare and they might play good characters.Other two people on the left might play bad characters

*colour :having two difference styles of colour, warm colour on the right and the left one is dark

*Central image : the right one                               *clothing: those people wearing                                                                  looks like good characters,the                                  looks smart especially the left 
left one looks like bad characters                              one

   *Gesture: they all taking a gun                              *Iconography:it might be        
                                                                               Crooks,Amnesia,Black widow,
                                                                               Psychological ,Heists,Gangster,
*Mode of address: indirect (looking                           *Lighting:right one is hight key          
                                                                                lighting ,left one is low key          away from the camera)                                              lighting


                     Ant man
            Image result for the poster of film ant man
Mise-en-scene: setting on the city, the background is a bridge.It also have some                  helicopters which looks like finding something.

Mark of quality: a big red title on the poster and the makers of this film's name or the production company may written under the title

Typography: Science Fiction

Colour:the background's colour is blue, make the audience feels bravely, the title is 'red' 

looks like the main character and the colour of ant man is black and red, which means judicially

Tag line: this poster is synonymous with the types of the film

Central image:The ant man is a good character, two men behind the ant man might useful for the ant man.And some people who looks like bad characters in the following of the ant man

Clothing:the wearing of ant man looks judicially, and others looks smart

Mode of address:indirect(looking away from the camera)


Lighting: it demonstrating high key lighting with the ant man and good characters, the lighting of bad characters are low key lighting


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