pitch paper for my task

  1.  Will you work independently or in a group?  If a group, who will you be working with?
          I will work independently.

  1. What will the subject of your documentary be?  Explain what key questions you will be asking about this subject?  
My documentary will be the life of international student. I will record the daily school life of Chinese student who study in the UK. Here are some questions i will ask:
  • what’s the teach methods in your country ?
  • Its there any difference teaching way between your country and the uk?
  • what’s your feeling when you have the first lesson with different national students.
  • Did most international students have problems on having lesson with second language?
  • How do you feel study oversea?
  • Are there any benefits or drawbacks…..?

  1. Who will your target audience(s) be?  Remember you can have primary, secondary, tertiary audiences and use proper audience terminology when describing them (demographics like age, gender, etc and psychographics like aspirer, reformer, mainstreamer etc)

            Primary audiences: students or young people (aged 15-23)
            Secondary audiences: aged group between 23 and 28
            Tertiary audiences: aged 28+

  1. What research of the topic will you need to do?  Remember that your research should show greater sophistication than your research for the Foundation Portfolio.  

         I will research some interview video and i am going to use kind of documentaries    shooting method to get on my work finish, I also will include a bit of interview part which help my video more realism.

  1. What style or mode of documentary will you adopt?  What codes and conventions of the documentary genre will you adhere to?  Will you subvert any of these expected codes?
How will you use film and photography editing tools in a more sophisticated way than last year?  What specifically will you have to learn to do this and how will this help you to be more creative?
       documentaries mode i will use: 
                                          participatory mode, reflexive mode
       Code and convention i will use:
                                           music, footage, interview

      I probably will subvert these codes to some part of my video. The documentary video making method is quite like the last year’s video i made, because the video still beed to use some camera shot, sound and music. I have confidence to do this documentary better than last year video.
      Before i making documentary, i have to find and watch more typical documentaries of what modes I will use and trying to submit these main features into my video. Also, i will add an interview part which help my video more creative. 

  1. What planning tasks will you carry out?  You can include any planning but should include what you intend to do for your preliminary task, and how you will test this on your target audience.
           Location: Ellesmere College
           Characters: international students( not decided which person yet)
           Test: asking some question to people  who around you: 
                            -Do you like watching documentaries in your free time?
                            - How did you find the documentaries ?
                            -what topic of documentaries are you interest?
                                                  . . . . . .
          Statistic the answer( may be make a pie chart in my preliminary task)

  1. Minor tasks and potential distribution – how will you create a clear sense of branding between the five minute documentary extract and the social media and poster minor tasks?
Which TV channel would you see broadcasting your documentary and why?  How would you make your three productions fit into their usual house style and appeal to their target audience?
My documentary is about the daily life of international students, so it may be more attractive foreign students who are still studying This is why my primary audiences are aged 15-23.
When i finished, i want to upload my video to the channel of Youtube and also create an Instagram account. This account might including the pictures of International students and the cooking methods of different kind of countries’ food….

    8. Practical considerations- draw up a schedule of when and where you will film your   documentary- be very specific in terms of place and time. What equipment will you need? What permissions or risk assessments will you need to sort out? Who will you need to recruit to help you? What problems do you anticipate?

   Start Date: 15/11/2019                                  Location: Ellesmere College
          Time: a month or two month                            Characters: international students
          Costs: not sure( devices cost)           
risk assessments: - characters might not have times to shoot

                                    - equipment failure


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