feedback from my target audiences

My preliminary task's target audiences are people who aged 15-23. So I want to get some feedback from these age group of people, which I think it is useful for me to improve my video.
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Here are the recommends :

aged 15-18(local people):

  • -they think the content of documentary was active, because they could know that what the behaviours of people who come from a different country and also learn about a variety range of cultures.
  • -" I'm quite interested in cooking, so I think this documentary can add some parts like international students  have a cooking at the weekend."
aged 18-20:
  • shooting more studying scenes because they think the feature of overseas study is to compare the different learning styles between the two countries
  • the voices of the video should be better and make sure the microphone is working when get to the interview
aged 20-23:
  • the background music can be more variety
  • In the interview section,  students can speak their own language and then you can translate it, they think it may make the documentary more creative and interesting


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